Privacy Policy


We generally prefer to avoid collecting data from you in our products and services whenever possible, especially personal data and personally identifiable data.

In the cases where we do collect, we strive to be clear about what is collected, its specific use, how long it will be retained, and provide you the ability to opt out whenever possible.

We may be legally required to disclose collected data to law enforcement or government agencies in some situations.

We do not rent, buy or sell personal data from or to others.

We practice data minimization and we do our best to collect the minimum personal data necessary to create and improve our apps and services.

Opting Out

macOS Apps

Open the app's General preferences and uncheck "Send Usage Statistics".

Open the app's General preferences and uncheck "Send Crash Reports and Statistics".

These settings may prevent data from being sent to us, but be aware that macOS may still collect crash logs and other analytics and send to Apple if your device's privacy settings allow it. Find these in System Settings > Privacy & Security > Analytics & Improvements, or click here for a shortcut. If you'd like to opt out, disable "Share with app developers".


This website does not use web analytics, cookies, fingerprinting or similar technologies. It also does not collect any personal data that would trigger the consent requirement.

GDPR, CCPA and Others

Citizens of the EU may exercise their rights under the General Data Protection Regulation, such as the rights of access and erasure, by contacting us with their request. We recommend emailing the request to

Residents of California may exercise their rights under the California Consumer Privacy Act, such as the rights of access and erasure, by contacting us with their request. We recommend emailing the request to

If your region has recently enacted a right-to-privacy law not yet listed here, we will try our best to honor it.

Data Collected

Usage Analytics

Some of our products may collect information about how you use them, referred to as Usage Data.

Usage data is anonymized before being sent to us and cannot be used to personally identify you. No personal data is collected or included. As it is entirely anonymous, some products may have data collection enabled by default.

You can opt out if you wish, at any time.

We use this data to look for broad patterns in the aggregated usage data, such as whether a feature is frequently used, or whether users generally prefer one setting over another. This helps us make informed decisions about the future development of our products.

In some cases, we may use aggregated usage data to write marketing copy for promoting our products. For example, "Focus Firewall users gained over 100,000 distraction-free hours this month to focus on their work."

Anonymized usage data collected for Focus Firewall for macOS includes:

Anonymized usage data is retained at most for 30 days. For example, an anonymous user has used the app for 15 hours so far this month.

Anonymized usage data may be aggregated and retained forever. For example, in February 2024, users in total used the app for 400 hours.

Crash Logs & Performance Diagnostics

When one of our apps crashes while you are using it, anonymized data about the crash will be collected to help us identify the cause of the crash and hopefully fix it in a future update. "Crash Logs" contain information such as the state of the app, operating system, and device at the time of the crash, but none of your private data.

You can opt out of crash log reporting if you wish, at any time. We typically do not retain crash logs. When necessary for troubleshooting, they will be retained for up to 30 days.

Apple may retain crash logs differently and you may want to consult their website and documentation. Please consult the Opt Out section to learn how to opt-out from sending crashes to Apple.

Support Requests

When handling support requests, we collect your email address, metadata in the email header and any other information you voluntarily provide, such as crash logs, screenshots and other diagnostics.

This information is solely used to provide the support you need and are not used for any other purpose. We retain your email address to communicate responses to you. Crash logs and other info are used for troubleshooting.

We retain support emails indefinitely in order to:

You can ask us to delete support emails (and any other information contained in these emails) by contacting

Third-Party Vendors

We utilize the following vendors to operate our business and deliver our services: